Catch A Ride
RTP Gives rides to all kinds of people to all kinds of places.
- Medical Appointments, including Dialysis, Cancer Care Centers, Therapeutic and Rehabilitative services
- Grocery Shopping
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Educational Facilities for Children w/ Special Needs (with referral from CDS or Child Protective Services)
Page Shortcuts
To learn more, use these links to be taken to more information below.
- Rider Responsibilities
- General Public Riders
- Older Adults & Seniors
- People with Disabilities
- People with Medical Needs
- People with Low Income
- MaineCare Members
Call 774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
What Does It Cost To Ride With RTP?
Some Riders Pay a FARE for Trips…
If you need to get someplace and DO NOT meet the criteria for free services, RTP can still get you where you need to go.
$2.50 One-Way, for trips within one town, or between neighboring towns. **Increasing to $3 on April 1, 2024**
$5.00 One-Way, for trips between non-adjoining towns.
Some Riders Qualify for Free Service…
If you need to get someplace and you meet criteria for free service, you will not need to pay a fare for eligible trips.
RTP receives funding from DHHS and other agencies to provide transportation for many people, including the elderly, people with disabilities, people with low income, children and people who receive Maine Care benefits.
Click BELOW for an application.
Get Lakes Region Tickets
The Lakes Region Explorer provides Monday through Friday bus service along Route 302 between Bridgton and Portland. Seasonal Saturday service is offered between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
The Go Guide
For more information on our services check out our Go Guide.
Rider Responsibilities
- If a rider’s pick-up or drop-off address is not accessible for a RTP bus, van or volunteer driver, it is the rider’s responsibility to ensure access for vehicles in advance or to make arrangements where the rider will meet the vehicle for their pick-up. If the vehicle is not able to enter the pick-up location and the rider fails to meet the vehicle at a designated place, a the trip will be considered a No-Show. Click here to view RTP’s No-Show Policy
- Riders must call in trip cancellations as soon as possible, but at least 2 hours before the scheduled pick-up time.
- Trip cancellations can be left on our voice mail when the office is closed. All cancellations left on our voice-mail will be immediately forwarded to RTP’s on call dispatcher. The office phone number is 207-774-2666.
- If trip is before 9:30 am, must cancel before 5:00 pm the day before.
- Riders should be ready when the bus arrives. Drivers will only wait 5 minutes after a rider’s scheduled pick up time. If the rider fails to show for their ride, then the trip will be considered a No-Show.
- RTP has a one-hour pickup window. If your appointment is at 10am, you should be ready to leave at 9am.
- All riders must wear seat belts while on RTP vehicles. It’s the Law. Drivers will assist with seat belts if needed.
- Riders are expected to treat reservationists, schedulers, dispatchers, drivers and other passengers courteously and with respect.
- Wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility devices must be properly maintained. Riders must know the limitations regarding the use and transport of their specific mobility devices.
- No smoking, eating or drinking is allowed while on a RTP vehicle.
- Riding a RTP vehicle under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is not permitted.
- Radios, cassette, disc, or mp3 players are not permitted to be played aloud when on-board a RTP vehicle.
- A rider may not bring explosives, flammable liquids, acids, or other hazardous materials onto the vehicle.
- If a rider is traveling with a child who needs a car seat, the rider must supply the child’s car seat. Riders are responsible for securing it in the vehicle and for its removal.
Seat Belts, Child Restraints and Wheelchairs
- A rider 18 years of age or older is required to wear a seat belt while traveling on a RTP bus or van.
- A child rider less than 18 years of age is required to be properly secured while traveling on a RTP bus or van. Depending on age, height and weight, a child must be properly secured in a federally approved child restraint system, child safety seat, or seat belt.
- A rider is required to have his or her common wheelchair secured while traveling on a RTP bus or van
Seriously Disruptive Behavior
- Regional Transportation does not permit riders to engage in violent, illegal or seriously disruptive behavior.
- Seriously disruptive behavior includes the following:
- A rider who is physically abusive causing injury to the driver or other clients may be subject to criminal prosecution. The rider will be suspended immediately or service will be refused.
- Disturbing a vehicle driver
- Disturbing other riders
- Physically or verbally threatening the driver, another client or RTP employee
- Acting in a way that is a danger to himself/herself, the driver, other riders or RTP employee
- Damaging or destroying equipment
Cancellation Rule
- Cancellations should be made as soon as possible, but no later than two hours before the appointed pick-up time.
- Trip cancellations can be left on our voice mail when the office is closed. All cancellations left on our voice-mail will be immediately forwarded to RTP’s on call dispatcher. The office phone number is 207-774-2666.
Penalties for “No Shows”
A rider who fails to cancel a ride according to the cancellation rule, or fails to be at the scheduled location at the scheduled pick-up time, will be assigned a “No Show”. A rider who shows a pattern or practice of “no shows” that is at or above 25% in a three month period is subject to penalties, up to and including suspension. Penalties will be assigned within the rules and guidelines of MaineCare and the ADA.
Please click here for RTP’s No-Show Policy
Suspensions and Appeals
- RTP may suspend a rider for incidents of disruptive behavior, repeated no-shows, breaking of RTP rules / policies or breaking the law.
A rider may appeal an assigned suspension or penalty. Appeals must be submitted in writing to: Regional Transportation Program, Attn: Appeals Department, 1 Ledgeview Dr, Westbrook, ME 04092. To qualify for acceptance, appeals must be received by RTP within ten business days of the suspension or penalty. The appeal must include the rider’s name, mailing address, telephone number and the reason for the appeal. RTP will make a decision on the appeal and notify the rider within ten business days.
- Regional Transportation Program reserves the right to cancel, suspend or delay transportation due to circumstances beyond its control.
Civil Rights Notice
RTP is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or retaliation based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability may file a Title VI complaint. Complaints may be filed directly to RTP or toMeDOT. Complaints must be filed in writing and signed by the complainant or a representative and should include the complainant’s name, address, and telephone number or other means by which the complainant can be contacted. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination.
Complaints should be filed to: Regional Transportation Program, Attn: Executive Director, 1 Ledgeview Dr, Westbrook, ME 04092. RTP will respond to any written Title VI complaint within 10 business days.
or Civil Rights Office, MDOT, 16 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0016
General Public Riders
RTP provides county-wide “General Public” transportation to residents of Cumberland County. General Public transportation is provided on a “space-available” basis. Income verification is not required to qualify for General Public service. As long as the trip is taking place within Cumberland County, RTP will do its best to help you get where you need to go. Because RTP is a shared-ride service, it does require flexibility on the part of riders.
Call 774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704.
Who Can Ride? Anyone, as long as the trip takes place within Cumberland County, there is space available, and we already have a vehicle scheduled in your area.
Where Can You Go? Shopping, hospital visits, the library, or any other purpose as long as the trip takes place within Cumberland County, and we have a vehicle already scheduled in your area.
What Does It Cost? The General Public Fare is $2.50 each way for trips within the same town or between neighboring towns, and increases to $3 on April 1, 2024. The Fare is $5.00 each way for trips between non-adjoining towns.
How Do You Get a Ride? Call RTP up to two weeks in advance, and AT LEAST 2 business days in advance to schedule a ride. For General Public rides, the more advance notice we have, the more likely we will be able to provide the ride. General Public transportation is shared-ride and on a space-available basis. Please be flexible and plan ahead. Please call us to see the times available in your area.
Call 774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704.
The best times to make your appointments under this category is between 10am and 2pm.
General Public Transportation rides can be provided, on a space-available basis, on days and times that RTP is operating service in your town or city.
Older Adults & Seniors
Older Adults & Seniors
For those riders who are 60 or over, RTP offers rides at affordable prices. For those with a low income, RTP contracts with DHHS to provide rides to medical and other appointments. A yearly application with income verification is required.
For riders who are 60 or older and over income guidelines provided by DHHS, you will still qualify for our services. The fare is $2.50 One-Way, for trips within one town, or between neighboring towns (increasing to $3 effective April 1, 2024) and $5.00 One-Way, for trips between non-adjoining towns. Here’s an example; A trip from Portland to South Portland costs $2.50 each way (before April 1, 2024), $5.00 round-trip. A trip from Cumberland to Portland costs $5.00 each way, $10.00 round-trip.
An application must be on file.
Appointment times under this category must be between 10am and 2pm
Simply click on the “Rider Application” BELOW, fill it out and mail it back to us at: Transportation Application, 1 Ledgeview Dr, Westbrook, ME 04092. We try to process all applications received within two business days.
People with Disabilities
![gallery-rtp-ada-6 RTP Driver helping man in a wheel chair onto bus](
Americans With Disabilities Act ParaTransit
RTP is committed to providing exceptional transportation services that meet or exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. RTP provides para transit transportation to eligible people living in, or visiting, the Greater Portland area who are prevented by a disability from utilizing fixed-route bus service.
Through our Para Transit services, RTP provides an equivalent accessible option to people who are unable to use the fixed-route bus services of METRO or South Portland Bus Service because of disability. ADA Paratransit service will allow you to travel anywhere within ¾ mile of fixed route bus services (METRO and South Portland Bus Service). Both origin and destination must be within this ¾ mile corridor. Your trip may be for any purpose-medical and other appointments, shopping, social activities, higher education, or to visit a friend, etc. The paratransit service runs on all days and hours that the fixed-route bus service operates. It is important to keep in mind that RTP’s ADA Paratransit service complements the fixed route system. That is to say that the ADA service mirrors the METRO and South Portland Bus Service’s fixed route service availability. The ADA service is available only within 3/4 mile of the fixed route and only during hours and days that the fixed route operate.
Hours of Service for Transportation
RTP’s paratransit service matches exactly the days of the week and hours of service for the METRO and the South Portland Bus Service.
Transportation services are accessed by completing an ADA Application and being certified through RTP, or if you are visiting from another area, by providing RTP with documentation of ADA certification from a transportation service in another area of the country. Eligibility for ADA Paratransit service is based on the rider’s functional ability to ride a bus independently. It is not based on other factors, such as the ability to drive a car, financial circumstances, inconvenience of the bus schedule, or eligibility for any other state or federal program.
Who should apply for ADA services?
- People who are unable to use the fixed-route public bus services because of barrier like steep stairs, busy intersections, hills, lack of curb cuts, lack of sidewalks, unavailability of a lift on a public bus, weather-related heat or cold, difficulty traveling alone and/or recognizing new destinations.
- People with mobility impairments due to visual limitations, arthritis, spinal cord injury, or other physical limitations that are a barrier to using fixed route services.
- In addition to individuals with physical disabilities that prevent them from using the fixed route, this right is also granted to people with mental, cognitive, and visual impairments who cannot recognize destinations, understand bus transfers, or distinguish between buses on different routes at terminals and/or while en route.
- Individuals who feel that they are eligible for ADA service must complete an application. You can download the ADA Application and guidelines provided below:
CALL RTP FOR MORE INFO: 207-774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704
$2.50 each way at the time you board a vehicle for an ADA ride, increasing to $3 effective April 1, 2024.
To schedule a Trip
Please call 207-774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704
![gallery-rtp-ada-5 RTP Driver Helping Man In Wheel Chari](
To schedule a ride during normal dispatch hours (Monday – Friday 5:30am to 5:00pm)
- Trips can be scheduled up to 14 days in advance and no less than 5:00 P.M. the day before a trip. Eg. Trip request for January 23rd can be called in to the office during regular dispatch office hours on January 10th at the earliest, and January 22nd by 5pm at the latest).
- When scheduling a ride, tell the call taker:
- You would like to schedule and ADA trip,
- Your name,
- The exact address (number and street name) where you want to be picked up,
- What time you would like to be at your destination (be specific if you are going to an appointment),
- The exact address (number and street name) of where you want to go, and
- If you will be traveling with a Personal Care Assistant (PCA) or companion(s).
You must also schedule your return trip.
To Schedule a Ride on a Weekend or Holiday
If you need to schedule an ADA approved ride for the next day, and it is on a weekend or holiday when you are trying to call, please call 207-774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704 and follow the prompts to schedule an ADA ride. The after hours system is set up so you can call and leave all the information (same as above), up to 5pm, on the Weekend or Holiday to schedule a ride for the following day. Once the system gets your information, our on-call dispatcher is notified there is an upcoming trip, and they will enter it into the system and schedule your ride for the following business day.
- ADA regulations permit the scheduling of your ride up to one hour before or one hour after the trip time you request, without making you late for an appointment.
- When boarding the vehicle, please pay the driver the exact fare – drivers do not make change.
If you require a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) to travel with you, that person is considered a mobility aid and rides for free. You must be registered as requiring a PCA.
- You may always take one traveling companion. Additional companions are permitted on a space available basis. Companions pay the same fare as the person they are accompanying. PCAs and companions must have the same pick-up address and drop-off address as the ADA rider.Service animals are welcome on all RTP vehicles.
- Service is provided in lift-equipped vehicles as well as sedan-type vehicles. RTP will determine which vehicle will be sent to pick up a rider.
Late Trips
At times, riders may experience a late pick-up or drop-off due to inclement weather, traffic, construction, or other unforeseen circumstances. If this occurs, please contact RTP at 207-774-2666 or 1-800-244-0704 to report it as soon as you are able. This will provide RTP the opportunity to be sure that riders are receiving a quality, reliable service. If we don’t know about it, we can’t fix it.
ADA Visitor Policy
Paratransit service may be provided to ADA eligible persons who are not currently certified within the Greater Portland area. All visitors are required to provide a minimum amount of information to RTP to determine eligibility to utilize paratransit service. Visitors must provide the following:
• Proof of address and documentation of a transportation disability (if not readily apparent).
• The complete address of where residing while visiting in the Greater Portland area.
Visitors are eligible for service for any combination of 21 days during any 365-day period beginning with the visitor’s first use of the service. A letter will be issued to the visitor containing a visitor ID number and information regarding the limitations of their eligibility and service provision.
Information on how to become eligible for paratransit service in the Greater Portland area is also included in the letter.
Visitors returning to the region whose visitor eligibility has expired must reapply for visitor eligibility. Those planning to return to the region within the year, frequently visit the region, or stay in the region over 21 days are encouraged to submit an application for RTP paratransit services.
Reasonable Modification Requests
RTP will provide reasonable accommodations to policies, practices, or procedures when the accommodations are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability unless making the modifications (1) would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity, or (2) would result in undue financial and administrative burdens, or (3) without the requested modification, the individual with a disability is able to fully use the entity’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose.
Persons with disabilities who would like to make a reasonable accommodation request are asked to submit to RTP’s Executive Director, in writing, the following:
Should you need to make the request in another format, please call 207-774-2666 x 7601 for assistance.
a. Please label the written statement as “Reasonable Accommodation Request”
b. Please provide your contact information, specifically a telephone number where we can contact you;
c. Make the reasonable accommodation request in advance of desired change in policy or practice;
d. Please be as specific as possible about how a current policy or practice creates a barrier to your use of RTP’s ADA service;
e. Please recommend the change that you would like RTP to consider.
Please submit the requests to: RTP Executive Director, 1 Ledgeview Dr; Westbrook, ME 04092
RTP will make every effort to accommodate IMMEDIATE reasonable accommodation requests for situations in which a potential immediate and present barrier to using RTP’s ADA service. In these situations, passengers are asked to contact RTP’s Transportation Supervisor at 207-774-2666 x 7601.
Civil Rights Notice
RTP is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or retaliation based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability may file a Title VI complaint. Complaints may be filed directly to RTP or to the MeDOT. Complaints must be filed in writing and signed by the complainant or a representative and should include the complainant’s name, address, and telephone number or other means by which the complainant can be contacted. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination.
Complaints should be filed to: Regional Transportation Program, Attn: Executive Director, 1 Ledgeview Dr, Westbrook, ME 04092. RTP will respond to any written Title VI complaint within 10 business days.
or Civil Rights Office, MDOT, 16 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0016
Appeals Process
For persons who’s Application for ADA Paratransit Service is denied, RTP has developed an appeals process as required by the ADA. Applicants have up to 60 days from the date of the written denial to appeal.
Appeal Procedures
• The applicant will be provided reasons in writing (or in a format accessible to the applicant) for denial of eligibility.
• The applicant has 60 days from the date of the denial to request an appeal hearing.
• The applicant has the right to have their case heard in person and bring an advocate or personal representative to the hearing scheduled by RTP, Inc.
• RTP, Inc. will make a decision on the appeal as soon as possible. The decision cannot exceed 30 calendar days or the applicant may receive service beginning the next calendar day until a decision is made.
• RTP, Inc. is responsible for establishing local appeals procedures. RTP. Inc. will:
1. Establish an appeals panel.
2. The panel will be structured to ensure an impartial review.
3. The panel will consist of :
A. Three persons:
1. One “peer”.
2. One person with applicable professional experience working with persons with disabilities and,
3. One member of the RTP Board of Directors.
4. The decision of the appeal panel will be provided in writing, and will be final.
5. Applicants may reinitiate the service eligibility process any time there is a change in their functional ability which prevents them from using the fixed route systems.
6. RTP will provide auxiliary assistance (e.g. interpreter services, transportation, material in an accessible format, and so forth) to ensure the applicant may fully participate in the hearing.
ADA Complimentary Paratransit Policy and Procedures
Upon request, RTP will provide information in alternative formats. Please call 774-2666 x 7601 for more info or to request.
People with Medical Needs
People With Medical Needs
RTP provides dependable door-to-door transportation with our buses, vans and volunteer drivers. Rides are available in our lift-equipped buses and vans by certified, trained RTP drivers as well as our volunteer drivers who use their own vehicle, especially in the rural areas we serve.Rides for Low Income & General Public (Non-MaineCare, Non-ADA)
For qualified riders, we schedule door-to-door rides so that you can get to your medical appointments. Appointments for those riders living in Portland, South Portland or Westbrook may be on a daily basis. When possible, make your appointments with your doctor between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. If you live in another town, Call RTP dispatch to get the schedule of times/days available. Rides can be scheduled up to 14 days in advance, but no later than two business days prior to your appointment date. Click here for a Rider Application
The time restrictions do not apply for riders going to dialysis or cancer treatments.
If you have an appointment scheduled with your doctor which is outside of the times above, we will work with you whenever possible to make sure you are still able to get to the appointment.
Some riders will be required to pay a fare each way for transportation. When you call to schedule your ride, the Mobility Agent will let you know if a fare is due.
Some agencies, such as CDS, have contracted with RTP to provide rides for their clients to therapeutic day care services. If we have a contract with an outside agency, times and availability may be different that what is stated above. Please call for more information.
Rides for ADA eligible riders
Certified ADAPT riders may use the service seven days a week for any trip purpose. The one-way trip fare is $2.50. The fare must be paid each time you board a vehicle. Riders may set up a ride no later than 5:00 pm the day before the ride is needed, but not more that 14 days before the ride will be taken. Click here for an ADA Application.
ADAPT services are available Monday through Friday, 5:30 am to 11:40 pm; Saturdays from 5:45 am to 11:40 pm; and Sundays from 9:10 am to 7:03 pm.
Rides for MaineCare eligible riders
Effective August 1, 2013, RTP will no longer be scheduling MaineCare covered trips for members. MaineCare is now working with Brokers whose responsibility it is to determine eligibility and arrange transportation for members. The MaineCare Broker will determine what provider will be doing transports for all MaineCare trips.
RTP will continue to be a transportation provider and may be selected by the broker to provide your Agency Vehicle or volunteer driver trip.
Low Income & General Public Rider Application
ADA – Americans with Disabilities ADA Application
People with Low Income
People With Low Income
Anyone can ride with RTP. Ride the bus for medical appointments and shopping (Shopping trips are only allowed if we are in your area on a scheduled shopping day). Please contact RTP for more information on these services.
Please note: All trips under this category need to be between 10am and 2pm.
To see if you qualify for free transportation, just fill out a Rider Application and submit it to RTP. If you already have an application on file, call our office. Applications must be renewed yearly and require the rider to submit income verification with the completed application.
MaineCare Members
Rides for people with MaineCare Transportation Benefits
RTP will no longer schedules MaineCare covered trips for members. MaineCare is now working with Brokers whose responsibility it is to determine eligibility and arrange transportation for members. The MaineCare Broker will determine what provider will be doing transports for all MaineCare trips.
The Broker for Cumberland County is Motivecare. Please call 1-855-608-5178 to arrange your MaineCare covered trip.
RTP will continue to be a transportation provider and may be selected by the broker to provide your Agency Vehicle or volunteer driver trip. All Friend & Family and taxi trips will be arranged by the broker.
RTP will continue to provide transportation, as we have been, for other non-MaineCare covered trips, such as DHHS Child Welfare, ADA, low-income rides and trips covered by other funding sources.